

Abstract Information:

The official language of the Symposium will be English and for abstract publication it will be necessary the registration in the Symposium of at least one of the authors (limited to two works per registration).

Full-length selected papers will be published in a special issue of Electrochimica Acta devoted to the Symposium. Submission instructions will be provided later.

Abstract text must be sent either in Microsoft Word (extensions: .doc or .rtf) or in PDF files, and should be identified by the last name of the presenting author (should the same author submit two abstracts LAST NAME-1 and LAST NAME-2 must be used).

Abstract length: maximum three pages with Figures and Tables.

Page Format: A4

Line spacing: All single-spaced.

Margins: 2.5 cm left and right and 2.0 cm top and bottom.

Font Style: Times New Roman throughout the whole abstract text; Title: font 14, Bold, centered, with Capital letters for each word (except for articles and prepositions); Author names: font 12, centered, full first and final names (middle names must be abbreviated); Authors affiliation: font 10, centered, italic (e-mail address of the corresponding author must be specified); Main text: font 12, fully centered; References: font 10. Please allow one blank line (1.5 space) between each abstract section.

Figures and Tables: All in gray scale. Color will not be used for abstract printing.

Abbreviations: must be avoided except for wildly known ones, e.g., EIS, XPS, SEM. Otherwise they must be provided in brackets after the first full use of the word.

References in the body of the abstract text: numbered, superscript, in order of appearance in the text.

In addition to the abstract the authors will be asked to provide a summary of their work with 150 words (maximum). This will be printed in the booklet to be given to the participants of the Symposium. C D